Welcome to Medbook!
If you’re reading this guide you are a supervisor or internship coordinator who mentors or trains residents in a (university) hospital. In this guide we’ll cover some of the aspects of what that means for you in terms of using Medbook.
Wat is Medbook exactly?
Medbook is an online portfolio that residents in training use to register their daily procedures, courses, presentations, etc. Residents in training can use this portfolio to obtain their professional recognition as medical specialists, as well as pass the different modules of their advanced master’s degree.
Why Medbook?
Research shows that an online portfolio has tremendous potential to support the resident’s learning process. That potential can only be realised if the portfolio is kept accurate and up to date. The reality is that an average working day allows for precious little time to register everything thoroughly. That’s why Medbook offers an online platform and app, so that the resident can easily keep an accurate and reliable portfolio.
*Driessen, E. W., & Overeem, K. (2013). Mentoring. In K. Walsh (Ed.), Oxford textbook of medical education (pp. 265–284). London: Oxford University Press.
And what does that mean for me as a supervisor?
Mentoring is another important concept for a meaningful portfolio. Without feedback, a portfolio is more of a hindrance than a help for the resident. And naturally that feedback leads the resident to you, the supervisor. But no supervisor can be expected find the time to prepare a lengthy report for each and every resident. That’s why Medbook places the initiative firmly with the resident. He or she manages the scheduling and frequency of their feedback sessions, and is responsible for logging the information in Medbook. All that remains for the supervisor is to check and validate the feedback, and make adjustments if needed.
We’ll show you how this process works in more detail in the rest of this guide.